A requirement for sustainable development of regional social systems is the application of marketing management, which presumes activities related to the planning, organization, coordination, monitoring and promotion of measures to formation demand for the products of the region. Transformation processes, taking place recently in the socio-economic sphere of all post-Soviet countries, to a large extent touched the recreational complex in the whole and in specific regions. Considering the significant role played by recreational complex in the national economy, its value for economic and social development of the any state and its regions, the need to development and implement of the system of regional recreational system marketing management gets the largest relevance in theoretical and practical aspects. Recreational areas are the special object of research in the elaboration of strategic programs of development of the territory or region. Territorial development is determined by the types and modes of primary use, the location of the material objects, the spatial structure of the region. It is possible to achieve the territorial development by the implementation of local economic policy, using the resource potential of the territory, taking into account the influence of internal and external factors in the development of the region, as well as through inter-regional and cross-border cooperation. In accordance with the existing objective and subjective conditions, use of «Public Relations» and branding elements have become one of the primary tools of marketing management of regional recreational systems development. In the process of using these tools is important to optimally combine social spending on health and recreation with the economic benefit of the region.
region, recreational resources, marketing management, competitive advantage strategy.
Большинство стран определяют направление своего развития как обеспечение устойчивого экономического роста, создание общества, основанного на знаниях, информации и инновациях, включение в единое научное и технологическое европейское и мировое пространство. При этом самым важным в реализации государственной политики является определение приоритетов социально-экономического развития и механизмов их реализации, под которыми следует понимать законы, бюджетное финансирование и потенциал территориальных образований.
Туристическо-рекреационный комплекс играет все более важную роль в экономике большинства стран и регионов.
В процессе углубления международной экономической интеграции, дальнейшего развития международного разделения труда, роста культурных, научных, спортивных и других межгосударственных контактов, стремления народов к общению и использованию опыта других стран в создании материальных и духовных ценностей, туризм находит свое отражение в деловых и научных контактах.
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