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Abstract (English):
Solvychegodsk is the town with the population of 2217 people, located in the south of Arkhangelsk region, on the right bank of the river Vychegda. The town was founded in the 14th century, and it is in the list of historical settlements of Russia. Architectural monuments, preserved to our days, have federal significance. Since 1923 the health resort with the same name, which is specialized in mineral water and mud, has been started its work. Despite the valuable recreational resources, the town is not well-known as recreation center. But for Arkhangelsk region and neighboring regions, Solvychegodsk could become one of the key areas for weekend tourism. The town is included in the project of tourist-recreational cluster “Kotlas – Solvychegodsk” under the federal target program “Development of inbound and domestitourism in the Russian Federation.” The tourism development in a small town, especially having unfavorable geographical position, faces with investment problems. To identify obstacles for the recreational development of Solvychegodsk the article compares it with Myshkin town in Yaroslavl region. The last is successful recreational center, which in terms of population, the nature of recreational resources and geographical position is similar to Solvychegodsk. Based on the characteristics of the recreational areas of these towns, the author identifies the major difficulties in the arranging the recreational center in Solvychegodsk. The article analyzes the main activities, planned in the program of creation of tourist-recreational cluster with «core» in Solvychegodsk, and describes the main shortcomings complicating its development

small historical town; tourism and recreation cluster, recreation center; recreational space, Solvychegodsk
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