Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents an overview of the theoretical and practical approaches of domestic and foreign authors to the using historical and cultural heritage sites for tourist purposes for the development of regional tourism. Most scientists define cultural heritage sites as one of the most important conditions for the development of cultural and educational tourism. Further development of this territory is provided by strategic planning, state policy, the creation of a regulatory and legal framework, the development of specialized state programs, attraction of investments, creation of a specialized infrastructure, and implementation of a competent marketing policy. The article also presents the limiting factors of the using cultural heritage sites in the Russian Federation on the example of Kaliningrad region. Within the study the authors examine institutional capacities and state instruments for the restoration of cultural heritage objects with the aim of including in a regional tourism product. The authors develop authorial methodology of systematizing cultural heritage sites used for tourist purposes. The criterion for ranking cultural heritage sites is the degree of their preservation, accessibility and functional purpose. This methodology has been tested on cultural heritage sites in the city of Kaliningrad functionally related to fortifications. But it can be used in scientific research and in practice for ranking and other categories of cultural heritage sites of the regions of the Russian Federation.

cultural heritage sites, tourist activity, restoration of cultural heritage sites, methodology of ranking cultural heritage sites, fortification cultural heritage sites, Kaliningrad region.
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